Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Just In: Tennessee State Senator Casey Campfield Has AIDS...

The ”Don’t Say Gay” bill grew in infamy after Tennessee Senator Stacey Campfield, who co-sponsored the Senate’s version of the ”Don’t Say Gay” bill, traveled the country earlier this year making statements to the media like it is “virtually impossible” to contract HIV/AIDS through heterosexual sex.


  1. Wait...he has AIDS? I couldn't find that anywhere.

    1. Bad humor on my part. You know the knock on wood thing? If you say you're not getting AIDS because you're heterosexual, it's more likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because you don't take the proper precautions or you think you're invincible.

    2. Oh ok. I was thinking...well, that would definitely be ironic wouldn't it. So, I was trying to look it up. Oddly enough all I found was this blog. haha!

    3. It's a good place to find! :)
