Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Decision to be Pro-Choice

I don't make this decision lightly and please don't feel it was inevitable given my previous politics. I've thought long and hard on this issue for several years. For a while I was even pro-life, but I finally realized at long last, it could never be as simple as that. Should abortions be legal? If not, when does life begin? Should a woman be forced to carry a dead fetus until a natural birth, as is being debated right now in legislatures? Should she be humiliated with transvaginal ultrasounds because of her choice to get an abortion? It is my opinion if given an inch, the law will take a mile. Women sacrificing reproductive rights, even if to just give up abortion, has allowed legislatures to debate taking ever more draconian measures, among them, limiting contraception. As evident in the hullabaloo over Rush Limbaugh's remarks, double standards are not just the norm, they are for many the ideal. Is it really equality for an employer to cover Viagra and not birth control? Keep in mind despite rantings to the contrary, the issue had nothing to do with the government paying for anyone to have sex. This, however, returns to my initial point: it is far more than life and death. The issue has become more and more about control and who has it: the men in congress who invited no women to speak? Or, the female and her body, who understands what's at stake far more than courts, judges and lawyers?


  1. I tend to think issues of life and death outweigh issues of who has control. And forgive me if I must just a teensy weensy bit doubt that inevitability comment. ;-)

    1. I'm going to find a subject you're liberal on someday ;-)

    2. Oh there are some: Welfare (with some caveats); Immigration (most DEFINITELY!); Guns (don't tell my friends though ;-)

    3. I am very liberal about guns...everyone should own many:-)

      cap guns.....now those should be regulated!

    4. But don't you worry about white guys like me controlling your body?

    5. @Wander: hahaha...I meant I'm for MORE gun control. Oh and also, I'm liberal about the war, but who isn't? haha!

      @Ben: No. I don't worry about that. Why would I worry about that?

    6. Arizona is discussing a law to give employers authority over contraception not even covered by their health plans.

  2. This was a hard one for me also...I wish society and the world had no need to have this argument. It is sad really, very sad....

